Saturday, October 27, 2007

Frank Blanc - Wants Unity with child molesters

(Frank Blanc ready for his date - a good looking 450 pound woman.)
Frank Blanc is a strange man from VNN. He went off about people exposing NSM. He said that whites should not attack other whites.

I am not sure your stance on this. However, I don't support child molesters, rapists and FEDs. Call me crazy, but I believe these people to sick, just sick. We as white people cannot and will not accept such trash in our movement or society.

Who in the right mind would take up for such trash? I can answer this. Frank Blanc wants unity with people like the NSM. Will you support child molesters? Men who rape women? Or Feds? I think common sense answers this. Let Mr. Blanc know trash like this will never be tolerated in our movement.